Lily’s Legacy Project
Welcome to the Lily’s Legacy Exhibition
About The Exhibition
An exhibition inspired by its prime founder, Lily Montagu
“I just enjoy being a Liberal Jew. I don’t like labels. But if anybody asked me, are you Jewish? I will say with pride, I’m a Liberal Jew. And I think for me it has enhanced my life enormously“
Vanda Renton
What is Liberal Judaism? Who are the Liberal Jews? Who were the founders and pioneers? What was their vision? And how is this vision embodied today? This groundbreaking multi-media exhibition “Voices and Visions of Liberal Judaism” features the voices, visions, memories and mementos of Liberal Judaism through the 20th and 21st century, and their thoughts for the future.
The exhibition was created from stories and materials collected as part of the Lily’s Legacy Project, which showcases The Radical History and Heritage of Liberal Judaism in Britain. The project examines how Liberal Judaism embodies the vision of its founder – Lily Montagu, Claude Montefiore and Rabbi Dr Israel Mattuck – both today and throughout its history.
The project has collected over 100 audio and audio – visual oral histories and memorabilia from Liberal Jews across communities and from all walks of life – from those involved in setting up communities many decades ago to those who have only recently found a home for their Jewish story within Liberal Judaism.
In this exhibition we invite you to discover extracts from the materials collected, in the form of podcasts, video testimonials, blogs and photographic records. These showcase personal journeys and historical milestones of a faith movement that has always been at the cutting edge of modernity, inclusivity and equality. The original materials will be deposited in the London Metropolitan Archives as a historical resource documenting Liberal Judaism for future generations.
The project is supported by the National Lottery Heritage Fund.