Our Lottery Heritage Fund supported oral history and archive project – Lily’s Legacy: The Radical History and Heritage of Liberal Judaism – is soon entering its next phase, meaning this is the last chance to share your story or object.
We’re still looking for a range of diverse Liberal Jewish stories and experiences – covering everyone from long-standing members to the new generation – as well as items and materials that show Liberal Jewish life past and present.
All stories and materials will form a permanent record at the London Metropolitan Archives and other heritage institutes. The project will also produce exhibition and educational materials.
Please contact project manager Shaan Knan on lilyslegacyproject@liberaljudaism.org if you wish to organise a heritage event at your congregation or have a story or object to share.
Please also contact Shaan if you wish to volunteer to help Lily’s Legacy collate and showcase materials, including at an exhibition.
Read this post also via LJ: https://www.liberaljudaism.org/2020/01/last-chance-to-share-your-jewish-story-with-lilys-legacy/