Are you curious about community history? Well organised? Interested in undertaking research? Would you like to contribute to our ground-breaking Liberal Jewish heritage project?
Lily’s Legacy: The Radical History & Heritage of Liberal Judaism in Britain captures the diverse stories and experiences of Liberal Jewish in Britain.
A vital part of our project focuses on researching aspects of this exciting and radical history. We will be looking into key events of this revolutionary Jewish Movement, collecting memories as well as mapping physical memorabilia that members and congregations may hold.
Questions we will ask are
What is it like to be a Liberal Jew in 21st Century Britain? What was it like in the 20th Century, at its inception? What is the vision for Liberal Judaism UK in the future?
Has Liberal Judaism changed over time? What sort of changes, e.g. social/political have taken place? How relevant is Liberal Judaism to today’s society? In what way has Liberal Judaism influenced Anglo-Jewry?
In what way has Liberal Judaism been influenced or affected by the UK’s and global socio- political environment? Topics could include: Suffrage/feminism, WWI ⅈ Holocaust; Kindertransport; migration/diaspora; socialism vs conservativism, Labour and Anti-Semitism; LGBTQI+.
What does social justice mean for this Movement?
Does today’s Liberal Judaism keep to the aims of its founders – Montagu, Montefiore, Mattuck? Do we have evidence of their vision? What other LJ pioneers e.g. rabbis such as John Rayner have influenced the Movement, and in what way?
And we need your help to find the answers!
Elements of our research will be fed into our outputs including an exhibition, educational resources and an archive collection.
We will use Liberal Jewish archives including the Montagu Centre as well as external research partners include The Wiener Library, Jewish Museum London, Parkes Institute/University of Southampton, Woolf Institute.
Hours are flexible. You should be able to commit yourself to at least 1 day/month for 3-6months from September 2019. Travel and other volunteer expenses will be reimbursed.
If you are interested in volunteering, or would like to know more about this, please contact project manager Shaan Knan at